I have no formal working experience yet but I have built multiple projects and update them often. Below are a few links for my bigger projects
![My Godot 4 Game](/media/GodotGame.png)
I have been learning a lot about game development lately and Godot 4 was the first I wanted to learn. I figured the best way to learn
was to actually use the engine. I followed a tutorial on how to make a basic platformer to get started and from there I found my self
pouring hours of work into trying to make a full game.
The journey I have taken for this fun and exciting project is all detailed in the
repository's docs folder
The source code is available on GitHub at:
![LearnX Web App](/media/python_collection.png)
The first language I learned was Python. Naturally it has become the language I tend to prefer, and it is the one I know best. For this
reason I have many repositories for Python projects, including a collection of smaller ones. You can view my GitHub through the link
above, by searching kirby-b on GitHub, or you can follow the links below to go directly to my public Python repos.
Python projects collection
DJI Tello Drone scripts
![Automatic Desk Fan](/media/AutoFan.png)
I have been watching people like Michael Reeves and William Osman for years, and they have been a major insparation
for me doing Arduino projects and learning how electronics work. Much like them, my projects are for fun and dont
usually have a "real purpose". You can find my projects on my Github or My Arduino project hub profile(If I have remembered to put them there).
Automatic Fan Repo
Slide Pot LED Control
Arduino Alarm Clock
Automatic RGB Lights
My Arduino Project Hub
![LearnX Web App](/media/LearnX_SignUp.png)
LearnX is a web application I made as part of a group for the BPA Web Application Team competition in 2023-2024. It was featured at the BPA National Business
Conference as one of the top 5 in the nation. This was the first big web project I worked on and I learned a lot along the way. It features some quiz's, information
to read, flashcards, and other features. We also learned how to make working sign-ins, sign-ups, account deletion calls, password resets, databases, and just about
every other fun part of Laravel. It is made completely with Laravel Blade, HTML, TailwindCSS, and small bits of PHP. The main style layout is one I really like and as
you can see, I used it on this website too.
The source code is also available on GitHub at:
Want to collab or hire me? Click here